Checklist for finding the right freelance developer
The current market is full of freelance developers with diverse skill sets and backgrounds. With several talented professionals to choose from, how can you make sure that you pick the right candidate for your specific project? Let our seven-step checklist for finding the right freelance developer help you out!
As companies have started to understand the many benefits of employing freelance workforce, the popularity of hiring freelance developers has skyrocketed over the last few years. When hiring a freelance developer, you’ll make clear savings on overhead costs and salaries because freelancers are generally paid on a project basis. Additionally, you’ll have the flexibility to choose the perfect profile for each project and employ the experts only when you need them.
Choosing the right freelance developer
If your company is hiring freelance developers for the first time, it is normal to have many questions in mind. The most crucial question that first-timers usually pose to themselves is “How do I know if a chosen freelancer is the right match for my project?” As freelance developers play an important role in defining the success of a project, finding comprehensive answers to this key question is essential.
To help with mapping whether a freelancer developer candidate is the right match for your project or not, we have created a detailed checklist with seven important factors to consider. Keep these factors in mind when choosing freelance developers in order to ensure a smooth and successful cooperation.
Freelance developer checklist
1. Skills and experience: Look for a developer who has the specific skills and experience required for your project. This could include proficiency in certain programming languages, experience with certain types of projects, or expertise in certain industries.
2. CV / Portfolio: Review the developer's CV and possible portfolio to get a sense of their skills and experience. Look for examples of relevant projects, as well as an indication of the developer's coding style, problem-solving ability, and attention to detail.
3. Communication skills: A freelance developer will need to communicate effectively with you and your team throughout the project. Hence, it’s important to consider the developer's written and verbal communication skills. In addition, ensure that the developer is comfortable using the tools and methodologies your team uses, or that they are able to adapt to them quickly.
4. Reliability: The freelancer should meet the deadlines and stand by their word. Make sure that the freelancer has a proven track record of reliability and a professional attitude towards work. The best way to ensure the reliability of a freelancer is to hire them through a tech talent agency where the vetting process has already been done for your part.
5. Availability: Make sure the freelancer has enough availability to take on your project and can respond to your communications in a timely manner.
6. Budget: Make sure that you understand the freelancer's rate and that it's within your budget. At Thriv, we are fully transparent about our pricing, so you don’t need to worry about any additional costs. You only pay the talent’s rate and our fair commission.
7. References: If the talent offers references, reach out to them to ask about their experience working with the developer. You might also ask feedback from the tech talent agency, if the talent has been working through them in previous projects.
Eager to hear more about freelance developers? Reach out to us and let's talk!
Still not sure whether working with freelancers is the right choice for your company? Read our previous blog post about important reasons for considering freelance developers.

Linnea Saarni
Head of Marketing