You've got mail – Why email remains a key business tool
In an era dominated by instant messaging and real-time collaboration tools, I find myself increasingly appreciative of good old email. While Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Discord have their place, email possesses unique qualities that make it irreplaceable, especially for developers and technical professionals. But where does the true power of email lie?
For those who think email is outdated, consider how it has evolved. It's one of the few technologies that has successfully scaled with the internet while maintaining backward compatibility for decades. That's not just engineering—that's art.
Modern email tools like GitHub's email integration features show that email remains a vital part of the developer toolkit. You can even use email as an API endpoint with services like Mailgun. The key is not to treat email as a real-time communication tool, but rather as what it truly is: a powerful async message bus with built-in persistence and guaranteed delivery.
Here are the three top qualities that continue to make email an essential tool in business.
1. The gift of deep focus
Email's asynchronous nature is not a bug—it's a feature. Studies have shown that it takes an average of 23 minutes to fully regain focus after an interruption. Unlike instant messaging platforms that create an expectation of immediate response, email allows us to batch our communications into designated time blocks.
This approach aligns perfectly with the maker's schedule that Paul Graham famously wrote about. As developers, we need long, uninterrupted blocks of time to enter the flow state. Email respects this by its very design: it sits quietly in your inbox, waiting for you to engage on your terms.
2. Built-in documentation and searchability
Email remains unmatched in its ability to serve as a searchable knowledge base. Try finding a specific technical discussion from six months ago in Slack (especially in the free tier), and you'll appreciate email's persistent nature. Every major email client offers robust search capabilities, and emails are typically backed up and archived automatically.
The hierarchical threading in email clients like Gmail or Outlook makes it easy to follow complex technical discussions. Modern email clients support code formatting, attachments, and rich text, while maintaining perfect backwards compatibility—something that can't be said for many contemporary collaboration tools.
3. Protocol-level independence
Email is built on open protocols (SMTP, IMAP, POP3) that have stood the test of time. Unlike proprietary messaging platforms, email gives you:
- Vendor independence: No single company controls email
- Data portability: Easy export and backup options
- Client choice: Freedom to use any email client you prefer
- API accessibility: Simple integration with other tools and workflows
When Slack goes down (like it does every now and then), teams scramble for alternatives. Email, despite its age, maintains remarkable uptime thanks to its distributed nature and robust infrastructure.
The mailing list ecosystem deserves special mention as one of email's killer features for developers. From Linux kernel development to Python's PEPs, many of our most important technical discussions happen on mailing lists. They provide a perfect balance of accessibility and signal-to-noise ratio. Unlike GitHub discussions or forum threads, mailing lists let you participate in high-level technical conversations right from your inbox, using tools you already know. Tools like public-inbox make these archives searchable and Git-compatible, while moderation features help maintain quality. Notable projects like PostgreSQL and Git themselves still rely heavily on mailing lists for core development, proving that this "old school" approach scales remarkably well for complex technical discussions.
Leveling up your email game: three power moves
For those ready to graduate from email basics, here are three practical enhancements that can transform your workflow. First, master keyboard shortcuts in your email client—tools like Gmail's 'j/k' navigation and 'y' to archive can double your processing speed (most modern clients support similar shortcuts).
Second, implement the "inbox zero" methodology using labels and filters; automatically sort incoming messages by project or priority using simple regex patterns like subject:(JIRA|GH|PR) for development notifications.
Third, use email templates with dynamic variables for common responses—most clients now support text expansion or templating. As a developer, you can even create your own extensions: a simple Python script using the Gmail API can automate repetitive email tasks like daily standups or deployment notifications.
These techniques transform email from a simple communication tool into a powerful productivity multiplier. Finally, if managing email works for famous billionaire Mark Cuban, I am sure it will work for you.
Interested in chatting more? Reach out to us by email!

Thomas Janhonen